Fel. Francis’s Profile

Active 9 years, 10 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)
Community Organizing Shepard

Community Organizing Shepard

Health Services...|2307| open

Course description: Community organization theory and practice in human services, community assessment, change strategies, empowerment skills, and planning techniques in the profit, non-profit, and public sector […]

Community Mental Health

Human Services|1202|Spring Ongoing

This is professor Shepard’s HUS 1202 Community Mental Health Class.

Microbiology (Bio 3302)

Microbiology (Bio 3302)

Prof. Marie Montes
Biological Scie...|3302|Fall 2012

This is a general microbiology laboratory course that focuses on the study of microorganisms from domains Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. The course will emphasize the study of microbe/host interaction as it plays […]

Microbiology 3302 Lecture

Microbiology 3302 Lecture

Davida Smyth
Biological Scie...|3302|Fall 2012

The study of microorganisms