Evens’s Profile

Active 1 years, 8 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

LAW1201 LegalResearchI SP2021

LAW1201 LegalResearchI SP2021

A working knowledge of the law library is presented including practice in finding statutes, cases and administrative regulations. Students are taught validating and gain experience in using legal encyclopedias, digests and other sources. All these research skills are integrated within written assignments. Prerequisites: LAW 1101 and ENG 1101. Pre- or corequisite: LAW 1103. Three class hours; three credits.

ENG1121 Composition II (D441), Spring 2020

ENG1121 Composition II (D441), Spring 2020

ENG 1121 aims at further developing your reading, writing, and analytical skills while fostering awareness of your own literacy practices. Our focus will be to learn how to successfully asses and adapt to different writing contexts, also known as rhetorical situations. To this end, ENG 1121 provides you with ample opportunities to analyze the rhetorical choices of authors, and then practice authoring your own compositions in the writing styles and mediums that you deem are most effective, given the unique writing situation and the audience being addressed. Along the way, you will engage in metacognitive thinking, or personal reflection, about who you are as a writer, what your beliefs about writing have been and are becoming, what your personal process is, and how you might be able to transfer that process to other courses and even into the work world.

ENG1101 (D320) Comp 1, Fall 2019

ENG1101 (D320) Comp 1, Fall 2019

English Composition I is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including the use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned as the basis for in-class and online discussion, and for essay writing.

THE 2180 Introduction to Theatre, Spring 2020

THE 2180 Introduction to Theatre, Spring 2020

to be filled in later

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