Erlin pena’s Profile

Active 6 years, 3 months ago
Erlin pena
Display Name
Erlin pena
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences

My Courses

English 1101 Sections D322 and D392 FA2018

Eng­lish 1101 Sec­tions D322 and D392 FA2018

Eng­lish Com­po­si­tion I is a course in ef­fec­tive essay writ­ing and basic re­search tech­niques, in­clud­ing the use of the li­brary. Col­lege-level read­ings are as­signed as the basis for in-class dis­cus­sion and for essay writ­ing. You will prac­tice writ­ing in dif­fer­ent gen­res and for dif­fer­ent au­di­ences; you will learn strate­gies for re­vis­ing and re­spond­ing con­struc­tively to your own and oth­ers’ work.

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