Elizabeth Valladares’s Profile

Active 10 years ago
Elizabeth Valladares
Display Name
Elizabeth Valladares
Major Program of Study
Academic interests

Nursing, pediatrics, hematology & oncology nursing, community health, nutrition, women's health, art expression and world travel.


RN to BSN major at New York City College of Technology. Currently employed as a clinical pediatric nurse. Anticipated graduation is December 2014. My goal is to gain 1-2 years inpatient experience and return to academics for an advanced degree.

My Courses

NUR4130 OL48 Fall2014 Professional Nursing Practice

NUR4130 OL48 Fall2014 Professional Nursing Practice

A variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed. Students will use a variety of professional tools such as in-class forums to debate relevant health care issues, the resume, a portfolio, and template for a project proposal for enhancement of professional development.



CHN NUR 4010 – builds upon knowledge of nursing and builds upon knowledge to practice as a CHN

2012 Summer – MAT 1272 Statistics – Reitz

2012 Summer – MAT 1272 Statistics – Reitz

Image courtesy of the amazing XKCD — check out the full strip here: http://xkcd.com/688/. This course provides an introduction to statistical methods and statistical inference. Topics include descriptive statistics, random variables, distributions, sampling, estimation and inference, t-tests, chi-square tests and correlation.

My Projects

Elizabeth Valladares hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Elizabeth Valladares hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.