Eleftherios Papanikolas’s Profile

Active 7 years, 9 months ago
Eleftherios Papanikolas
Display Name
Eleftherios Papanikolas
Major Program of Study
Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology
Academic interests

Construction Management


CM student

My Courses

LAW 2306, Legal Issues for Facilities Managers, S17

LAW 2306, Legal Issues for Facilities Managers, S17

This course addresses legal issues that affect facility management. Topics include principles of contracts, leases, service and employment agreements, purchase agreements, relevant federal and state laws, environmental and municipal regulations, liabilities of different legal entities, tort liability, media and group relations, debtor rights, business ethics and disability laws.

LIB 1201 – Research and Documentation for the Information Age – Section D952 – Fall 2014

LIB 1201 – Research and Documentation for the Information Age – Section D952 – Fall 2014

This course explores research and documentation for all media formats including text, images, sound, and multimedia. Students will explore information issues, especially in terms of their relevance today: how information is produced and organized in both traditional and emerging media, how information access is affected by political, economic and cultural factors, and the ethics of information use. Students will also acquire the practical skills of locating information sources in a variety of media and formats, critical evaluation of sources, and documentation and citation of traditional and emerging media and technologies. Students will apply what they learn to create and present research and documentation projects.

My Projects

How to take advantage of the recreational activities while here in city tech.

How to take advantage of the recreational activities while here in city tech.

Here at City Tech we want to open up new ideas and inspire interest in leadership opportunities through student programs and discussions. We want students to have a well rounded experience at City Tech and enjoy our many programs we have to offer, school life shouldn’t be full of stress and suffering. With all the papers, projects and exams you will encounter these activities will relieve stress as it is intended too. This is the documentation of how to reduce stress and maximize your enjoyment here in city tech.

My Clubs

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Eleftherios's Friends

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