Elaine Escoboza’s Profile

Active 5 years, 2 months ago
1 to 2 (of 2)
ENG 2150 Intro to Women Writers Spring 2019

ENG 2150 Intro to Women Writers Spring 2019

Megan Behrent
ENG 2150|Spring 2019

This course will introduce you to writings by selected women writers, both major authors and less well-known women writer. We will explore a variety of genres: fiction, poetry, drama, memoir, and non-fiction. […]

ENG 1121, Composition II, S2019

ENG 1121, Composition II, S2019

Professor Lucas Kwong
ENG 1121|Spring 2019

An advanced course in expository essay writing that requires a library paper. Further development of research and documentation skills (MLA style). Assigned literary and expository readings.