Emily Kheluram’s Profile

Active 10 years, 3 months ago
Emily Kheluram
Display Name
Emily Kheluram
Major Program of Study
Academic interests

Nursing, Art, Music, Reading

My Courses

NUR4130 OL48 Fall2014 Professional Nursing Practice

NUR4130 OL48 Fall2014 Professional Nursing Practice

A variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed. Students will use a variety of professional tools such as in-class forums to debate relevant health care issues, the resume, a portfolio, and template for a project proposal for enhancement of professional development.



CHN NUR 4010 – builds upon knowledge of nursing and builds upon knowledge to practice as a CHN

Leadership & Management in Nursing

Leadership & Management in Nursing

This course introduces students to the concepts of leadership and management in the clinical setting.

My Projects

Emily Kheluram hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

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