Edward Dominguez’s Profile

Active 3 years, 7 months ago
Edward Dominguez
Display Name
Edward Dominguez
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

ENG2575 OL83 Technical Writing, Spring 2021

ENG2575 OL83 Technical Writing, Spring 2021

Students communicate technical and scientific information to a variety of audiences through written and oral presentations, using electronic media such as the Internet, Power Point and graphics programs. Students also analyze readings in science and technology, study technical writing models and practice collaborative research and presentation. Prerequisite: ENG 1121 Equivalent to old course ENG 3773. This class meets online asynchronously. Please make sure that you are joining the correct section.



An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions; topics from trigonometry, including identities, equations and solutions of triangles

Emotions 101: ENG 1101-LC 49

Emotions 101: ENG 1101-LC 49

This Learning Communities course themed Emotions 101: Learning to Navigate the Challenges of College and Life will offer readings, writing assignments, and a shared movie, “127 Hours,” enabling students to identify stresses in their own lives, recognize stresses they share with other students entering college, and collaboratively develop effective coping skills to address them. This material will be combined with academic rigor and requirements for both PSY 1101 and ENG 1101.

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