Elvis Bakaitis’s Profile

Active 3 years, 11 months ago
Elvis Bakaitis
Display Name
Elvis Bakaitis
Adjunct Reference Librarian
Liberal Arts & Sciences

My Courses

PHIL 3211 Section E638, Philosophy of Law,  Spring 2020

PHIL 3211 Section E638, Philosophy of Law, Spring 2020

Philosophy of Law

OpenLab Sandbox

OpenLab Sandbox

Sandbox course for OpenLab workshops

BUF 4700 Contemporary Issues in the Fashion Industry

BUF 4700 Contemporary Issues in the Fashion Industry

This is an Open Educational Resources (OER) web site for BUF 4700 at NYC College of Technology

OER Site Template

OER Site Template

Faculty can clone this site as a starting point for building out your OER / having an OpenLab presence for your OER.

SOC 2380 Sociology of Education, ID

SOC 2380 Sociology of Education, ID

This inter-disciplinary course examines the social influences on education and the effects of education and schooling on the social experiences and identities of individuals and groups in contemporary society. Focuses on the factors involved in the promise of education as a great equalizer that creates opportunity and helps narrow social inequality. Special emphasis is placed an understanding the history of reform, the role of poverty, segregation, sexism, and language as well as on brain function, memory and learning. Students are expected to take an active role by each presenting recent research on a relevant topic of their chose and participating in small group in-class discussions.

My Projects

Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

City Tech’s Source for Academic Affairs Information

OER at City Tech

OER at City Tech

This site showcases OER at City Tech and shares information for the community to learn more and get involved.

Introduction to Open Educational Resources

Introduction to Open Educational Resources

Self-paced introductory OER training module for City Tech faculty.

Communication Design Theory OER

Communication Design Theory OER

This Open Educational Resource provides students interested in the field of Communication Design theory with a selection of contemporary and historical media to support their research. Users are encouraged to submit additional resources for inclusion.

Sandbox Project

Sandbox Project

Sandbox site for workshops! WORKSHOP FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS: tinyurl.com/openlabsurvey

My Clubs



This club is for support and friendship among the staff and faculty LGBTQ community.