Dwayne Bush’s Profile

Active 8 years, 8 months ago
Dwayne Bush
Display Name
Dwayne Bush
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Graphic arts, Photography, Culinary


My passion in life is music. I want to be a musician later on in life and tour the world since my other passion is travel. By using graphic communications and having my major as Advertisement Design, I could use this art knowledge for music art and album covers. Its hard to explain but when I am told to make drawings, I tend to not do that well. But when I am occupied with something or just sitting at home, thats when I have the feeling to start feeling creative. I guess my creativity works on its own time. My third passion is to help others in need, from big things like helping third world countries to small things like helping others with homework.

My Courses



Animation and interactivity are important presentation tools for engaging the user. The goal of this course is to teach the development of time-based animation skills and introduce fundamental concepts in programming interactive graphics. This course is a prerequisite for the Interactive Art Direction course and Interactive Interface Design course.

COMD 4801 Portfolio 49679 OL88-LEC

COMD 4801 Portfolio 49679 OL88-LEC

This course develops of each student’s personal portfolio of design projects to use to enter the design profession.

Graphic Communications Workshop, GRA 1111, 7309

Graphic Communications Workshop, GRA 1111, 7309

This course introduces students to core conceptsin graphic communication field including typogrphy, color theory, design and production terminology, print processes, file format and substrates.

My Projects

My Favorite Font

My Favorite Font

My favorite font is the Gotham Font Family. It has a very serious look that you can use for body copy but not too serious that it can be used in fun copy also.

My Clubs

Dwayne Bush hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.