Daniel Sandoval’s Profile

Active 9 years ago
Daniel Sandoval
Display Name
Daniel Sandoval
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

Daniel Sandoval hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

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My Clubs

Seekers Christian Fellowship

Seek­ers Chris­t­ian Fel­low­ship

We are a non-de­nom­i­na­tional Chris­t­ian fel­low­ship of cam­pus stu­dents,fac­ulty and/or staff. Our aim is to help fel­low stu­dents meet their spir­i­tual needs in Christ through prayer, wor­ship and bible stud­ies. En­cour­ag­ing each one to seek their own per­sonal re­la­tion­ship with God, guid­ing and teach­ing also on the im­por­tance of the Bible through faith and fel­low­ship.Open to any­one who has ques­tions and/or wants to know more about God. For Freely we have re­ceived grace, and freely we wish to give it as well.

Daniel's Friends

Daniel hasn't created any friend connections yet.