dawn kilts’s Profile

Active 5 years, 2 months ago
dawn kilts
Display Name
dawn kilts
associate professor
Academic interests

International health care; women's health; advanced practice


I am an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Nursing at City Tech. I have been an adjunct here for seven years or so. I am a retired tenured, full professor from Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus where I taught and served in several capacities for over forty years. I was the Dean of the School of Nursing for 10 years and the holder of the Heilbrunn Endowed Chair in Nursing.

I earned a BS with a major in nursing from Adelphi University, a MA in nursing from NYU, am All but dissertation for a PHD from NYU and Kennedy Western University. I also earned a post-masters certificate as an adult nurse practitioner from Molloy College.I am a member of Sigma Theta Tau, the nursing honorary society and Psi Chi, the national psychology honorary. I belong to the ANA, NYSNA and NLN. I have served on the board of several nursing associations, including The Nurse Practitioner Association, NY, the NYS Nurse Executive Association and the Brooklyn Nursing Partnership. I am co-author of Foundations for Nursing textbook. and have carried out several nursing research projects.

I have been active in nursing and health projects in Sierra Leone, West Africa, Haiti,Pakistan and the Phillipines. I have served as a consultant for international health care, including with the West African Fistula Foundation and the Haitian Nurses Association. My academic expertise includes emergency nursing, medical-surgical nursing, leadership, health care issues, international health and urban health. My work as a nurse practitioner has been mainly with the homeless and in international health.

I moved to upstate NY four years ago and,, in addition to teaching I work with social action projects and volunteer as an intake counselor with Caring Connections, a group that advocates for under served people. I live with my daughter, a nurse, and my nine year old grandson with eights cats, one dog, one hamster and a large pack of coyotes in the back fields. We go to sleep listening to them howl. I like to garden-I got some nice heirloom tomatoes this year, knit, travel, read and star gaze.

I enjoy teaching nursing issues as I think we need to know as much as possible about our profession and the current environment in order for us to be empowered members of the health care team. It is time we become proactive as a profession rather than reactive.

Email address

My Courses

Nur 4130 OL66 Sring 2019

Nur 4130 OL66 Sring 2019

Professional nursing issues are discussed and explored.

Nursing Issues

Nursing Issues

Professional nursing issues are discussed and explored.

Nur4130 Sp 2018

Nur4130 Sp 2018

Professional nursing issues are discussed and explored.

NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice

NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice

A variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary nursing are discussed. Students will use a variety of professional tools such as in-class forums to debate relevant health care issues, the resume, a portfolio, and template for a project proposal for enhancement of professional development.



Professional nursing issues are discussed and explored.

My Projects

Professional Nursing E-portfolio

Professional Nursing E-portfolio

Nursing Portfolio

E portfolio Professional Nursing

E portfolio Professional Nursing

E portfolio Professional Nursing

My Clubs

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