Hughdino’s Profile

Active 7 months, 3 weeks ago
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Films from Literature ENG 2400 Spring 2024 0565

Films from Literature ENG 2400 Spring 2024 0565

Prof. Masiello
ENG 2400|Spring 2024

This course examines the ways and reasons that film versions of written stories differ from their sources.

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Fall 2023

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Fall 2023

Prof. Masiello
ENG 2400|Fall 2023

This course examines the ways and reasons that film versions of written stories differ from their sources.

PHYS 1433

Professor Maller

This is the first of a two-semester sequence of algebra-based physics course that is the foundation to further studies in engineering and technology. The first semester introduces students to concepts and […]

English 1101 HD27 Fall 2022

English 1101 HD27 Fall 2022

Megan Behrent
ENG 1101|Fall 2022

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. “Plato’s Cave” by Hua […]