Diana E. Saldarriaga’s Profile

Active 7 years, 7 months ago
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Garde Manger

Garde Manger

Prof. Robert Walljasper
Hospitality Man...|HMGT 4963|Fall 2016

Practical application of techniques for decorative production of classical buffet. Industry standards such aspic, chaud froid, en croûte, timbales, pâtés, galantines garnitures may be included. Elements of co […]

hmgt4997 goodlad dagorn F16

Prof. Karen Goodlad, Professor Dagorn
Hospitality Man...|4997|Fall 2016

This course provides an in-depth evaluation of “New World” viticulture and vinification. Wine making methods, service, laws and regulations of the major wine regions of North America, Australia, New Zealand, Chi […]