DARA Hutchinson Cunningham’s Profile

Active 4 years, 6 months ago
DARA Hutchinson Cunningham
Display Name
DARA Hutchinson Cunningham
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Photography and web design


Your favorite fun loving goofy Trinidadian American young beautiful brown girl

Video games Anime Food Sleep Photographer

lets grow together

X (formerly Twitter)

My Courses

COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site

COMD Com­mu­ni­ca­tion De­sign In­tern­ship Co­or­di­na­tion Site

This site is de­signed to help you find field­work/study sit­u­a­tions of ap­prox­i­mately eight hours per week at an in­tern­ship site ap­proved by the De­part­ment In­tern­ship in­struc­tor such as an ad­ver­tis­ing agency, graphic de­sign firm, cor­po­rate de­sign of­fice, pub­li­ca­tions art de­part­ment, pho­tog­ra­phy or il­lus­tra­tion stu­dio, TV or mul­ti­me­dia pro­duc­tion com­pany. Stu­dents will be re­quired to keep a learn­ing jour­nal of their in­tern­ship in the form of a blog using Open­lab. A por­tion of the class will be de­voted to pre­sent­ing and shar­ing ex­pe­ri­ences with class­mates. Stu­dents will learn how to as­sess their tal­ents, up­date their re­sume, and pro­mote them­selves and their work through so­cial net­works. Stu­dents will be re­quired to setup and main­tain at least two so­cial media net­works such as: Face­book, LinkedIn, Twit­ter, In­sta­gram, and Pin­ter­est. The in­struc­tors for this class are there as men­tors if you have not yet found an in­tern­ship be­fore reg­is­ter­ing for the course. How­ever, the in­struc­tors do not find an in­tern­ship place­ment for you. It is your re­spon­si­bil­ity to find a po­si­tion that fits your per­sonal ca­reer path and help you tran­si­tion to full time em­ploy­ment upon leav­ing the halls of CityTech. Ide­ally, you will use this site to find an in­tern­ship the se­mes­ter be­fore tak­ing the COMD 4900 class.



In this course, stu­dents learn to re­fine their con­cep­tual think­ing, and the abil­ity to apply de­sign con­cepts across var­i­ous media chan­nels. This course chal­lenges stu­dents to think and strate­gi­cally apply cam­paign ideas. At this stage, stu­dents choose a media place­ment and in­cor­po­rate it into the so­lu­tion. The course also in­tro­duces the col­lab­o­ra­tive re­la­tion­ship be­tween Art Di­rec­tor and Copy­writer. Stu­dent teams brain­storm, de­velop copy, art di­rect and pitch ideas in teams. Stu­dents will ex­plore the di­a­logue be­tween prod­ucts and ser­vices and how to com­mu­ni­cate their ben­e­fits and fea­tures to the in­tended tar­get. Pro­ject based as­sign­ments from con­cept through final dig­i­tal out­put are an in­te­gral part of the course. 1 cl hr, 5 lab hrs, 3 cr COMD 2400-D202 FALL 2020 MON­DAY—THURS­DAY 2:30—5:00PM | ON­LINE In­struc­tor: Visakh Menon Pre­req­ui­sites COMD 11162, COMD 2300, COMD 2427

COMD4900 OL90 1475 Internship Summer2020

COMD4900 OL90 1475 In­tern­ship Sum­mer2020

In­tern­ship in Com­mu­ni­ca­tion De­sign (Sum­mer In­ten­sive) As­sign­ment to field work/study sit­u­a­tions of ap­prox­i­mately eight to 20 plus hours per week at a graphic arts-re­lated in­tern­ship site ap­proved by the de­part­ment in­tern­ship di­rec­tor. Sites may be in areas such as ad­ver­tis­ing, print­ing, cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions or pub­lish­ing. Stu­dents keep a log/jour­nal to be shared in group sem­i­nars/dis­cus­sions. Su­per­vi­sion is by fac­ulty and by the job su­per­vi­sor. Stu­dents will be re­quired to keep a learn­ing jour­nal of their in­tern­ship in the form of a blog using Open Lab.

COMD4900 OL92 1476 Internship Summer2020

COMD4900 OL92 1476 In­tern­ship Sum­mer2020

In­tern­ship in Com­mu­ni­ca­tion De­sign (Sum­mer In­ten­sive) As­sign­ment to field work/study sit­u­a­tions of ap­prox­i­mately eight to 20 plus hours per week at a graphic arts-re­lated in­tern­ship site ap­proved by the de­part­ment in­tern­ship di­rec­tor. Sites may be in areas such as ad­ver­tis­ing, print­ing, cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions or pub­lish­ing. Stu­dents keep a log/jour­nal to be shared in group sem­i­nars/dis­cus­sions. Su­per­vi­sion is by fac­ulty and by the job su­per­vi­sor. Stu­dents will be re­quired to keep a learn­ing jour­nal of their in­tern­ship in the form of a blog using Open Lab.

CDMG1112 D306 Digital Media Foundations FALL 2018 Goetz

CD­MG1112 D306 Dig­i­tal Media Foun­da­tions FALL 2018 Goetz

This course in­tro­duces stu­dents to core con­cepts in the media field in­clud­ing color the­ory, de­sign and pro­duc­tion ter­mi­nol­ogy, re­pro­duc­tion processes, file for­mats and sub­strates. Dur­ing the se­mes­ter, stu­dents will com­plete three pages of their own ePort­fo­lio web site, com­plete a print de­sign pro­ject and one video pro­ject. Lec­tures will pro­vide stu­dents with a his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive of the media field as well as dis­cussing cur­rent prac­tices and fu­ture trends.

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