Dhruv’s Profile

Active 7 years ago
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Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

My Courses

Three Dimensional Design COMD #3292 D222

Three Dimensional Design COMD #3292 D222

Principles of three-dimensional design. Course covers an analysis of form and space. Topics include: hollow forms both geometric and organic; architectonic organization of space; light and shadow; geometric solids; the modular unit; form and structure in nature; linear forms with membranes; movement. Applications to packaging, architecture, sculpture and environmental design and graphics. Materials and inherent properties governing their use in form and space.

CDMG1111 D302 (Wed.)

CDMG1111 D302 (Wed.)

This course introduces students to core concepts in the media field including color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. During the semester, students will complete three pages of their own ePortfolio web site, complete a print design project and one video project. Lectures will provide students with a historical perspective of the media field as well as discussing current practices and future trends.

COMD2327 D188 Typographic Design II, FA2016

COMD2327 D188 Typographic Design II, FA2016

This course introduces a variety of basic layouts and formats, building technical and practical fluency in setting and working with type for both print and screen. This course further explores topics learned in COMD 1167 Type and Media, such as typeface selection and the use of the typographical grids. Problem-solving for most common typographical problems is discussed.

COMD 2427   Typographic Design lll, Spring 2017

COMD 2427 Typographic Design lll, Spring 2017

This course addresses the advanced creative and comprehensive study of typographic design principles. Exercises include consideration of hierarchy and design with intensive use of body copy to explore multiple columns and grids and multiple page applications, in the design of table, book, poster, web and motion graphics. Lessons include modes of production, font management and electronic file preparation.

COMD1103 Foundation Drawing, Sp 16_Morning

COMD1103 Foundation Drawing, Sp 16_Morning

This drawing course introduces basic concepts, tools, techniques and the role of drawing in design, illustration, animation and games. The course will also cover projection systems, plans, elevations, sections, oblique, isometric, one-point perspective and two-point perspective views.

My Projects



Homelessness in NYC

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