Derrick Lau’s Profile

Active 8 years, 11 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

2012 Spring – MAT 1275 – Reitz

Jonas Reitz
Mathematics|MAT 1275|Spring 2012

Math 1275, College Algebra and Trigonometry, Spring semester 2012, Mr. Reitz. Header image for the website and group avatar are details from “Beautiful Dance Moves” by Dylan Ng, htt […]

MECH 2410 – Machine Design

MECH 2410 – Machine Design

Andy S. Zhang
Mechanical Engi...|MECH 2410|Fall 2014

This course teaches students on how to design functional mechanical components and systems using engineering knowledge, communication skills, and design principles they learned from the Mathematics, Physics, […]

Senior Design Project

Angran Xiao
Mechanical Engi...

This is a follow-up course of the two product design courses (IND 3610, Product Design I, and IND 4710, Product Design II). It provides graduating students a hand-on opportunity to practice concurrent engineering […]

MECH 3600 Mechanical Measurement and Instrumentation

MECH 3600 Mechanical Measurement and Instrumentation

Andy S. Zhang
Mechanical Engi...|MECH 3600|Fall 2014

This course teaches techniques, equipment, and measurement procedures used by mechanical engineers. Students will perform test, collect data from data acquisition systems, and apply statistic analysis to […]