DeniseR’s Profile

Active 1 years, 2 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences

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This lab­o­ra­tory course is a co-req­ui­site for Gen­eral Chem­istry – 1110. One three hour lab­o­ra­tory meet­ing per week and a total of 15 meet­ings per se­mes­ter.

ENG1101COD100, SP2020

EN­G1101­COD100, SP2020

Eng­lish 1101Co is a writ­ing- in­ten­sive course de­signed to strengthen your com­po­si­tion skills. Writ­ing a va­ri­ety of es­says, in ad­di­tion to a re­search paper, will help you de­velop skills such as build­ing an ar­gu­ment, adopt­ing your writ­ing for dif­fer­ent needs and sit­u­a­tions, in­ter­pret­ing and re­spond­ing to a text, in­cor­po­rat­ing sec­ondary source ma­te­r­ial ef­fec­tively, and mas­ter­ing the me­chan­ics of quot­ing, cit­ing, and doc­u­ment­ing sources. The poems, short sto­ries, es­says, and news­pa­per ar­ti­cles we will read to­gether are fo­cused on New York City and urban is­sues. We will be read­ing pieces both for their in­her­ent lit­er­ary value and also as mod­els of com­po­si­tion that you may em­ploy in your writ­ing as­sign­ments. Re­flect­ing on your own ex­pe­ri­ences along­side these texts will en­sure ac­tive dis­cus­sion re­gard­ing com­mu­ni­ties, pub­lic space, urban art forms, ed­u­ca­tion, class, race, gen­der, crime, gen­tri­fi­ca­tion, and other top­ics of de­bate. The “Co” in Eng­lish 1101Co stands for coreq­ui­site, and means that along­side Eng­lish 1101 we ded­i­cate time to strength­en­ing read­ing and writ­ing. We will focus on es­tab­lish­ing vo­cab­u­lary and crit­i­cal read­ing skills, scaf­folded ap­proaches to writ­ing as­sign­ments, cor­rect gram­mar and punc­tu­a­tion, and pos­i­tive habits for col­le­giate suc­cess, in­clud­ing note tak­ing and study skills. En­roll­ment Re­quire­ments: Pre­req­ui­site of 46-55 on the CUNY As­sess­ment Test in Writ­ing, and/or 46-54 on the AC­CU­PLACER Read­ing Test; grade of ‘S’ in 090W with­out writ­ing pro­fi­ciency and/or grade of ‘S’ in 090R with­out read­ing pro­fi­ciency; 50-64 CUNY Pro­fi­ciency Index.

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