Damaury Gonzalez’s Profile

Active 8 years, 2 months ago
Damaury Gonzalez
Display Name
Damaury Gonzalez
Major Program of Study
Human Services

My Courses



This course will explore the various critical health and safety issues and problems affecting children and adolescents. Areas to be explored will include nutrition, personal hygiene, medical care, first aid and safety, CPR, mental health, HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic and communicable diseases, sexuality and birth control.

My Projects

City Tech CREAR Futuros

City Tech CREAR Futuros

A postsecondary degree is increasingly necessary in the global economy, but only 15% of NYC Latino students are graduating from high school “college ready”. In order to improve these rates, Hispanic Federation (HF) and the City University of New York (CUNY) are launching CREAR Futuros to bring increased attention and resources to improving educational achievement and economic opportunity for Latinos. https://linktr.ee/citytechcrearfuturos

My Clubs

Human Services Club

Human Services Club

The Human Service Club, is a great way to network, help others, be an activist, and gain experience in the human service field.

Damaury's Friends

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