Devin Udairam’s Profile

Active 7 years ago
Devin Udairam
Display Name
Devin Udairam
Major Program of Study
Human Services

My Courses

HUS 2307 Community Organizing and Development, Fall 2015 (Dr. Lenore Hildebrand)

HUS 2307 Community Organizing and Development, Fall 2015 (Dr. Lenore Hildebrand)

Community organization theory and practice in human services, community assessment, change strategies, empowerment skills, and planning techniques in the profit, non-profit, and public sector are emphasized. Case presentations, skill development assignments, and community projects are required.




HEA 3505 Health Issues of Children and Adolescents FALL 2017

HEA 3505 Health Issues of Children and Adolescents FALL 2017

This course will explore the various critical health and safety issues and problems affecting children and adolescents. Areas to be explored will include nutrition, personal hygiene, medical care, first aid and safety, CPR, mental health, HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic and communicable diseases, sexuality and birth control.

ENG3401 Law Through Literature, FA2016

ENG3401 Law Through Literature, FA2016

We will explore issues of law, its systems, its application, and its challenges through works of literature. The way in which we will read and access the literary works assigned as readings will be part of our conversations. The cultural and historical context for the works we read will comprise an important aspect of our thinking and in-class discussion. Finally, we will consider how literature can and does influence the development of law. In order to be successful in this course, students are required to maintain the reading schedule and come to class prepared to discuss the assigned reading. It is highly recommended that students approach the course with their curiosity and an eagerness both to learn and demonstrate what they have discovered on their own initiative.

HUS1101 SPRING 2014

HUS1101 SPRING 2014

Introduction to Human Services on Tuesdays from 11:30 -2pm.

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