csmith808’s Profile

Active 12 years, 9 months ago
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Major Program of Study

My Courses

NUR 4130 Professional Nursing Practice SPand SU12

NUR 4130 Pro­fes­sional Nurs­ing Prac­tice SPand SU12

Pro­fes­sional Nurs­ing Prac­tice NUR4130 2747, 2748, 8547 SP12 and Sum­mer 2012 A va­ri­ety of pro­fes­sional, his­tor­i­cal, the­o­ret­i­cal, eth­i­cal, and health re­lated is­sues rel­e­vant to con­tem­po­rary nurs­ing are dis­cussed. Stu­dents will use a va­ri­ety of pro­fes­sional tools such as in-class fo­rums to de­bate rel­e­vant health care is­sues, the re­sume, a port­fo­lio, and tem­plate for a pro­ject pro­posal for en­hance­ment of pro­fes­sional de­vel­op­ment.

NUR 4010 Community Health Nursing

NUR 4010 Com­mu­nity Health Nurs­ing

Com­mu­nity Health Nurs­ing for RN-BS Stu­dents

Perspectives in Literature

Per­spec­tives in Lit­er­a­ture

As you can see from the Col­lege’s de­scrip­tion of this course, Per­spec­tives in Lit­er­a­ture is “A study of human val­ues in the lit­er­a­ture of West­ern Cul­ture. Read­ings are or­ga­nized around the great themes of lit­er­a­ture and life, fam­ily life, man, woman, and na­ture of evil, the in­di­vid­ual and so­ci­ety, skep­ti­cism and faith.” This se­mes­ter, we’ll ex­plore these themes as they ap­pear in var­i­ous gen­res of Amer­i­can and British lit­er­a­ture. We will en­counter con­tro­ver­sial so­cial is­sues and ques­tions that hounded au­thors for cen­turies; through nov­els, short sto­ries, po­etry, a play, and a graphic novel, we’ll ex­am­ine how peo­ple have an­swered (or not) some of lit­er­a­ture’s most per­sis­tent ques­tions about sci­ence, power, art, love, war, peace, and ex­is­tence.

My Projects



The ePort­fo­lio pro­ject at New York City Col­lege of Tech­nol­ogy “City Tech” en­ables stu­dents to cre­ate pro­fes­sional web­sites that will con­tain a num­ber of their aca­d­e­mic ex­am­ples and learn­ing ex­pe­ri­ences.

Meazas T-Crawford’s eportfolio

Meazas T-Craw­ford’s eport­fo­lio

Pro­fes­sional Nurs­ing

Allyson M. Victory’s ePortfolio

Allyson M. Vic­tory’s ePort­fo­lio

ePort­fo­lio is help­ing stu­dents at City Tech to cre­ate an on­line pres­ence of their re­sume. It is like an eRe­sume. It can con­tain the fol­low­ing: – Re­sume – Let­ters of rec­om­men­da­tions – De­grees ob­tained – Cer­ti­fi­ca­tions – etc. It is a great tool for every stu­dent at New York City Col­lege of Tech­nol­ogy to uti­lize while seek­ing em­ploy­ment.

My Eportfolio

My Eport­fo­lio

Pro­fes­sional Nurs­ing

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