CodyAllen’s Profile

Active 11 years, 3 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology
Academic interests

Digital Fabrication

My Courses

Intermediate Computation and Fabrication

Intermediate Computation and Fabrication

This course, the second in the digital fabrication certificate sequence (following ARCH3590), focuses on the development of parametric tools and digital prototyping techniques. Beginning from the study of precedents of modern architectural fabricationā€”both digital and non-digital– the course will develop a comprehensive understanding of exemplary construction and tectonic systems, as well as allowing students to develop a proficiency in applying this knowledge in constructing associative/parametric digital models that utilize tools to generate alternative variations of these systems. An integral part of the course involves the study of parametric modeling in Rhino 3D, Grasshopper, and SolidWorks, with dedicated workshops on geometry and linear algebra for 3D modeling. The output of the course will be a digitally modeled and fabricated paneling systems. Students will come away from the course with digital and material models, and documentation of the structural characteristics of the materials and fabrication techniques used.

Intermediate Computation and Fabrication Fall 2013

Intermediate Computation and Fabrication Fall 2013

This course, the second in the digital fabrication certificate sequence (following ARCH3590), focuses on the development of parametric tools and digital prototyping techniques. Beginning from the study of precedents of modern architectural fabricationā€”both digital and non-digitalā€“ the course will develop a comprehensive understanding of exemplary construction and tectonic systems, as well as allowing students to develop a proficiency in applying this knowledge in constructing associative/parametric digital models that utilize tools to generate alternative variations of these systems. An integral part of the course involves the study of parametric modeling in Rhino 3D, Grasshopper, and SolidWorks, with dedicated workshops on geometry and linear algebra for 3D modeling. The output of the course will be a digitally modeled and fabricated paneling systems. Students will come away from the course with digital and material models, and documentation of the structural characteristics of the materials and fabrication techniques used.



One-to-One is a research project about 3D printing at larger scales. There are many projects that deal with DIY 3D printing in general but most only deal with small scale objects. This project intends to move beyond the typical sizes and material to allow large, full scale, usable objects to be created. Large printing is not new but it is rare and expensive. This project intends to bring the same type of easy to build, easy to use printers that are emerging but to the next level in size and speed. A few areas of the current technology will be addressed in order to make printing at larger scale more feasible.

My Projects

NYCCT Winter Show

NYCCT Winter Show

An exhibition of student work in the field of Architectural Technology & Design.

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