chorned’s Profile

Active 4 years, 3 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses



Building Technology III

ARCH 1230 Building Technology II

ARCH 1230 Building Technology II

This course will study the basic materials of construction as well as the theory and practice of building technology. The course will include investigation of the assembly of building components and methods of construction while developing proficiency in both analog and digital drawing building information modeling (BIM) techniques, and professionally presented construction drawing page composition.

ARCH1230 Building Tech II, SP2017

ARCH1230 Building Tech II, SP2017

This course will study the basic materials of construction as well as the theory and practice of building technology. The course will include investigation of the assembly of building components and methods of construction while developing proficiency in both analog and digital drawing building information modeling (BIM) techniques, and professionally presented construction drawing page composition.

ARCH2480 structures1, SP2016

ARCH2480 structures1, SP2016

This course presents the basis for an understanding of structural behavior and design, with an emphasis placed on the theoretical and practical application of structural design principles for new and existing urban small-scale building structures. The fundamental scientific framework of mechanics, strength of materials, structural analysis and architectural design integration will be addressed. Conditions encountered during renovations and their solutions will be included. The course is presented in lecture and discussion sessions in conjunction with homework assignments. Students are expected to participate in class by asking and responding to questions, relating relevant experiences, offering opinions, etc. Exams and quizzes will be given based on class lectures and discussions, reading assignments and notes.

My Projects

ARCH 1230 Montgomery 2017 Sp Major Case Study – Paris

ARCH 1230 Montgomery 2017 Sp Major Case Study – Paris

Students should upload their Major Case Study submissions for Paris Bibliotheche Stainte-Genevieve to this site.

ARCH 1230 Montgomery 2017sp Minor Case Study

ARCH 1230 Montgomery 2017sp Minor Case Study

This is the site for submissions of the ARCH 1230 Minor Case Study drawings from Professor Montgomery’s sections.

ARCH 1230 Montgomery 2017sp Sketchbooks+Notes

ARCH 1230 Montgomery 2017sp Sketchbooks+Notes

This project site compiles the sketchbook and note taking work in Professor Montgomery’s Arch 1230 Spring 2017 sections.

Team 2 DanielleH_NafosatK_ShaunH_RabiulH_

Team 2 DanielleH_NafosatK_ShaunH_RabiulH_

All of our group assignments will be posted here,

Danielle Horne

Danielle Horne

All Arch2330 Fall’17 classwork/assignments

My Clubs

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chorned's Friends

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