Changkyu Kim’s Profile

Active 9 months, 1 weeks ago
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CET4864 Feedback Control Systems , fall 2023

Changkyu Kim
CET4864|Fall 2023

Introduction to feedback concepts (positive and negative). Transient and steady-state analysis using Laplace transforms. Bode plots and stability criteria. Lab work includes the use of mathematical analysis and simulation.

CET3525 Electrical Networks, Spring2020

CET3525 Electrical Networks, Spring2020

Changkyu Kim
CET3525|Spring 2020

Electrical Networks is a circuit and power analysis course in an alternating current (ac) level designed for engineering technology students. It introduces students to theory and principles of circuit analysis […]

EET2122 Advanced Circuit Analysis, Spring2020

EET2122 Advanced Circuit Analysis, Spring2020

Changkyu Kim
EET2122|Spring 2020

Transient response of RL, RC, and RLC circuits utilizing both classical and Laplace transform techniques. Laboratory exercises and computer simulation software included.