Cheng Lin’s Profile

My Courses
In recent years BIM (Building Information Modeling) has been heralded as the wave of the future but it has not been fully integrated into the practice of Architecture. New and complex ways of doing things are often better tested with a tight knit team working on a small scale project before the methods can be scaled up to large projects They key to BIM is not just the integration of the project in a smart model but the integration of the team. This semester you will have the opportunity to test and hone both your computer skills and your team building skills. You will be required to work as a group of competing team to think out how best to progress through the design and development and construction of a project.
English 2001 / 1240 (Introduction to Literature: Fiction)
English 2001 / 1240, with Professor Rebecca Devers
My Projects
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My Clubs
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Cheng's Friends
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