Aurelio Mercado Jr.’s Profile

Active 12 years ago
Aurelio Mercado Jr.
Display Name
Aurelio Mercado Jr.

My Courses

Site Planning Fall 2012

Site Plan­ning Fall 2012

Site Plan­ning

Design Foundation II Arch 1210 Monday & Wednesday Fall 2012

De­sign Foun­da­tion II Arch 1210 Mon­day & Wednes­day Fall 2012

Ar­chi­tec­tural De­sign II: Foun­da­tions is the sec­ond course in the one year foun­da­tion se­quence which in­creases the stu­dent’s abil­ity to per­ceive vi­sual cues, cre­ate vi­sual de­sign, for­mu­late con­cepts, and ren­der ideas in two or three di­men­sions. Stu­dents will use a com­bi­na­tion of hand and dig­i­tal skills to aid in the cre­ation and in­ter­pre­ta­tion of three di­men­sional ob­jects and space, and the de­lin­eation of the same using stan­dard pro­jec­tion sys­tems.

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