carlando’s Profile

Active 4 years, 6 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology
Academic interests

construction management

My Courses

ENG1101CO-E254 FA2019

ENG1101CO-E254 FA2019

English 1101Co is a writing- intensive course designed to strengthen your composition skills. Writing a variety of essays, in addition to a research paper, will help you develop skills such as building an argument, adopting your writing for different needs and situations, interpreting and responding to a text, incorporating secondary source material effectively, and mastering the mechanics of quoting, citing, and documenting sources. We will be reading pieces both for their inherent literary value and also as models of composition that you may employ in your writing assignments. The “Co” in English 1101Co stands for corequisite, and means that alongside English 1101 we dedicate time to strengthening reading and writing. We will focus on establishing vocabulary and critical reading skills, developing new approaches to writing assignments, learning grammar and punctuation, and developing positive habits for collegiate success, including note taking and study skills.

Dr. Shapiro’s ENG 1121 Fall 2020

Dr. Shapiro’s ENG 1121 Fall 2020

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. The second semester of English composition and expository writing. This class is being taught as if it were actually named “Writing about Language, and Dialect, and Speech Communities.”

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