Bryam Zuniga’s Profile

Active 11 months ago
Bryam Zuniga
Display Name
Bryam Zuniga
Major Program of Study
Architectural Technology

My Courses



Astronomical history is presented including an introduction to the mechanics and optics of Galileo and Newton. Radiation laws and astronomical tools including the telescope are considered. The solar system is presented in detail as is a history of human space travel. Stellar astrophysics is considered including star formation, planetary systems formation; and star properties, groupings and evolution. Galaxy properties and evolution are discussed. Following an introduction to relativity, aspects of quantum mechanics and cosmology are introduced. The search for and consequences of extraterrestrial life are considered. Laboratory experiments supplement and illustrate lecture material.

LIB2205ID Learning Places, FA2020

LIB2205ID Learning Places, FA2020

This special topics course offers an interdisciplinary approach to investigating our built environment using a case study focused on a specific place each semester. This course combines physical examination with information research and data collection using methodologies developed in multiple disciplines. Students from a variety of departments engage in on-site exploration and in-depth research of a location in New York City. Faculty from the Library and Architectural Technology Departments are teaching the course this semester, and will thus focus course material through a lens of architecture, urban studies, and information studies.

ARCH 3512 Design V Spring 2020

ARCH 3512 Design V Spring 2020

Adaptive Reuse Studio

ENG 1121: English Composition II Spring 2020

ENG 1121: English Composition II Spring 2020

English Composition II is an advanced, discipline-specific composition course in which you will build on the practices, processes, research, and genres you explored in ENG 1101. With an emphasis on analytical approaches to argumentation and a research project, you will refine academic, critical, and informational literacy skills. This class will focus on themes of social inequality and identity in 21st century America and emphasize the development of critical literacy and consciousness through reading, analyzing, discussing, and writing about contemporary literary works that explore the intersections or race, class, gender and sexuality. Writing assignments will build on these themes while exploring a variety of genres as you will be encouraged to develop your own unique voice while developing rhetorical awareness, critical thinking and reading, writing and research skills.

ARCH 3612 Design VI Fall 2020

ARCH 3612 Design VI Fall 2020

Profs. Paul King and Jill Bouratoglou Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30-12:15pm

My Projects

Architecture Internships / Jobs

Architecture Internships / Jobs


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