Brian Flores’s Profile
My Courses
This class examines knowledge and attitudes towards human sexual behavior.
Life’s origins, the Earth, and Us Eng1101 and Bio1101 combination course approaches the basic skills and conventions of college composition by way of contemporary issues in biology. By reading, discussing, researching, and writing about topics such as global warming, evolution, and genetics, students will gain practice and competency in academic communication
MAT1190/1190CO Quantitative Reasoning Workshop, Summer 2022
Students develop and apply mathematical, logical, critical thinking, and statistical skills to solve problems in real-world contexts. They acquire skills in the fields of algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and mathematical modeling. The course incorporates opportunities within the classroom to develop students’ reading, writing, oral, and listening skills in a mathematical context. SATISFIES REQUIRED CORE- MATH & QUANTITATIVE REASONING
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