Brett’s Profile

Active 5 years, 3 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology

My Courses

Physical Geography, Geog 1101, Spring 2018

Physical Geography, Geog 1101, Spring 2018

A survey of key elements of physical geography presented in the context of human activity and its relation to the physical world. Topics include world surface features, climate and weather, the seas, and natural resources.

Advanced Scenery Fall 2018

Advanced Scenery Fall 2018

There is a nationwide shortage of competent carpenters and technical directors in the theatre. Students taking this class will have the opportunity to practice all of the most important skills that can lead to a successful and rewarding career in the field. Even the most complex set is built up from many smaller, simpler parts. Mastering the skills presented in this class will give you a strong foundation in scenery construction that will support your work in the future, no matter how complex it becomes. Coursework will focus heavily on lab and project work.

ENT 4410 Technical Direction Spring 2019

ENT 4410 Technical Direction Spring 2019

An in depth analysis of the planning, budgeting and construction processes used in the production of scenery. Students will apply their knowledge of construction and drafting techniques and process to generate shop drawings, develop budget estimates and plan construction schedules.

My Projects

ENT4410 Portfolio

ENT4410 Portfolio

A portfolio for work completed during spring of 2019.

Culmination Project

Culmination Project

Audio is an important and often overlooked aspect of filmmaking. It was first introduced to mainstream audiences in the 1927 “talkie,” The Jazz Singer; since then, audio in film has been used to entertain global audiences in many different ways. Sound effect design for film is typically done in one of two ways: by a foley artist who records sounds manually in the field or a specialized studio, or, synthesized by an audio engineer. For this project I plan to perform both roles while honing my skills as a post-production engineer. I will assemble and arrange a collage of clips from various films and then re- record any and all audio with my own samples, recordings, and synthesis.

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