Brandon Sosa’s Profile

Active 2 years, 1 months ago
Brandon Sosa
Display Name
Brandon Sosa
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology

You’ll catch me somewhere on campus being lazy, drinking a sprite with my feet up scrolling threw instagram.

My Courses

ENG2575 OL70 Technical Writing, Fall 2021

ENG2575 OL70 Technical Writing, Fall 2021

Students communicate technical and scientific information to a variety of audiences through written and oral presentations, using electronic media such as the Internet, Power Point and graphics programs. Students also analyze readings in science and technology, study technical writing models and practice collaborative research and presentation. Prerequisite: ENG 1121 Equivalent to old course ENG 3773. This class meets online asynchronously. Please make sure that you join the correct section.

2020 Spring – MAT 1375 Precalculus – Reitz

2020 Spring – MAT 1375 Precalculus – Reitz

This course is designed to prepare students for the study of Calculus. Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, inverse functions, radical functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; solving inequalities; elements of vectors and complex numbers; solving trigonometric equations and identities involving sum, double and half-angle formulas; Binomial Theorem; and progressions. A graphing calculator is required. Avatar designed at

ENG 1121, Composition II, S2019

ENG 1121, Composition II, S2019

An advanced course in expository essay writing that requires a library paper. Further development of research and documentation skills (MLA style). Assigned literary and expository readings.

My Projects

Technical Report on Blockchain Technology

Technical Report on Blockchain Technology

This project was collaboratively worked on detailing “What blockchain technology is” and what are the problems that come with this technology. Within blockchain technology, many things can go bad and it comes with a lot of problems. Within this report, we talk about multiple instances that blockchain technology that has been used and identify solutions to these problems.

My Clubs

Brandon Sosa hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.