Angie Llanos’s Profile
Dental radiology provides the student with the knowledge and experience necessary to work efficiently and safely with x-radiation and radiographic equipment in the dental environment. This course is designed to […]
DEN1200 | Spring 2024 | Principles of DH Care II
Writing Intensive 2 cl hrs, 8 lab hrs DEN 1200|1200L is a continuation of the study of the principles and techniques involved in the practice of dental hygiene as introduced in DEN 1100|1100L. All aspects of […]
DEN 1217 is a 2-credit course that fulfills the competency requirements for periodontics in an associate degree program. This course will provide a foundation for the prevention and management of periodontal […]
DEN 1100 Fall 2023 – Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I
DEN 1100/1100L is an introduction to the didactic concepts and clinical techniques and principles involved in the practice of dental hygiene. Emphasis is on the principles of optimal patient care involving: aseptic […]