Andy’s Profile

Active 2 years, 9 months ago
13 to 24 (of 33)

MAT1372 Statistics with Probability, FA2017

Ezra Halleck
Mathematics|MAT 1372|Fall 2017

A 3 credit but 4 hour introductory course. Topics include sample space, expectation and variance, binomial, Poisson, normal, student and chi-square distributions, confidence interval, hypothesis testing, […]

PSY3405ID SPRING 2017 Interdisciplinary Health Psychology

Social Science|PSY3405ID|Spring 2017

This course provides an overview of existing psychological and epidemiological findings on the relationship between behavior and disease. The course explores how behavior, emotion and cognition can influence […]

HUS1101 Introduction to Human Services, Fall 2016

HUS1101 Introduction to Human Services, Fall 2016

Prof. Powell
Human Services|HUS 1101|Fall 2016

This course introduces the human services profession, its knowledge, values, and skills base. Major topics addressed are the history, personal attributes, lifestyles, ideologies, values, and ethical dilemmas. […]

ComD1100 Graphic Design Principles 1sp2018

Professor Rosenblatt
Communication D...|ComD1100|Spring 2018

The study and use of graphic communication tools through understanding graphic elements and principles geared to the development of sensitivity to the nature of graphic relationships and their control within a […]

LAW1201 Legal Research I SP2018

LAW1201 Legal Research I SP2018

Kerin E. Coughlin
Law and Paraleg...|LAW 1201|Spring 2018

Three credits; prerequisites are LAW 1101 and ENG 1101; LAW 1103 is a pre- or corequisite. A working knowledge of the law library is presented, including practice in finding statutes, cases and administrative […]

ENG 1121 Writing and Social Justice Fall 2018

Colleen Birchett, Ph.D.
English|ENG 1121|Fall 2018

English 1121 develops skill in using both primary and secondary sources for research purposes, and for literary criticism. It engages writing and critical thinking processes of brainstorming, organizing, drafting, […]

Site Mock-up for ENG 1101

Cailean Cooney
Library|ENG 1101|Summer 2018

English Composition I (ENG 1101) is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

Urban Tourism Fall 2017

Urban Tourism Fall 2017

Susan Phillip
Hospitality Man...|HMGT 4987|Fall 2017

This course will examine urban tourism as a vehicle of urban renewal and economic regeneration. The roles of government, business, and the community will be explored as well as issues of development, management, […]

OER course template

OER course template

Cailean Cooney
Library|Fall 2017

This site can be used as a starting place for creating an OER.

Graphic Design Principles 1sp2015

Professor Rosenblatt
Communication D...|ComD1100|Spring 2015

The study and use of graphic communication tools through understanding graphic elements and principles geared to the development of sensitivity to the nature of graphic relationships and their control within a […]

Sp 2013 Introduction to Fiction

Jody R. Rosen
English|2001|Spring 2013

INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE: FICTION ENG 2001 3 class hours, 3 credits Prerequisite: ENG 1101 Students will read and discuss works of fiction including novels, novellas and the short story; conduct research, […]

English 1101 Naito Spring 2014

Kate Naito
English|ENG 1101.D361|Spring 2014

Urban Issues