Alla’s Profile

Active 4 years, 10 months ago
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Major Program of Study

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This lab­o­ra­tory course is a co-req­ui­site for Gen­eral Chem­istry – 1110. One three hour lab­o­ra­tory meet­ing per week and a total of 15 meet­ings per se­mes­ter.

English 1101 Fall 2019 Section 342

Eng­lish 1101 Fall 2019 Sec­tion 342

Eng­lish 1101 Sec­tion 342

ENG 1121: English Composition II Spring 2020

ENG 1121: Eng­lish Com­po­si­tion II Spring 2020

Eng­lish Com­po­si­tion II is an ad­vanced, dis­ci­pline-spe­cific com­po­si­tion course in which you will build on the prac­tices, processes, re­search, and gen­res you ex­plored in ENG 1101. With an em­pha­sis on an­a­lyt­i­cal ap­proaches to ar­gu­men­ta­tion and a re­search pro­ject, you will re­fine aca­d­e­mic, crit­i­cal, and in­for­ma­tional lit­er­acy skills. This class will focus on themes of so­cial in­equal­ity and iden­tity in 21st cen­tury Amer­ica and em­pha­size the de­vel­op­ment of crit­i­cal lit­er­acy and con­scious­ness through read­ing, an­a­lyz­ing, dis­cussing, and writ­ing about con­tem­po­rary lit­er­ary works that ex­plore the in­ter­sec­tions or race, class, gen­der and sex­u­al­ity. Writ­ing as­sign­ments will build on these themes while ex­plor­ing a va­ri­ety of gen­res as you will be en­cour­aged to de­velop your own unique voice while de­vel­op­ing rhetor­i­cal aware­ness, crit­i­cal think­ing and read­ing, writ­ing and re­search skills.

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