Alexander Reyes’s Profile

Active 2 years, 7 months ago
Alexander Reyes
Display Name
Alexander Reyes
Major Program of Study
Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology

My Courses

ENG902W FYSP, SU2019

ENG902W FYSP, SU2019

A summer writing course designed to improve basic writing skills and prepare for the CATW.

My Projects

Decreasing the Noise Levels and Delay Times Associated with Subway MTA

Decreasing the Noise Levels and Delay Times Associated with Subway MTA

In the five New York City boroughs we face many delays on our way to work, home, school, etc. What are the causes of these issues and how can they be fixed? This paper explains ways of how to decrease the noise levels, safety and delay times associated with our subway MTA. The main goal is to keep the train schedule to be conflict-free as much as possible in case of any perturbations, and to install a barrier that blocks the tracks from the platform and keep the passengers safe until the trains arrive.

My Clubs

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Alexander's Friends

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