Alejandro M’s Profile

Active 9 years, 9 months ago
Alejandro M
Display Name
Alejandro M
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Communication in Design


My Courses

COMD2327 Typography 2

COMD2327 Typography 2

Design superstars at Citytech learning how to use Typography to create effective design and communications

COMD3551 WebDesign2, SP2015

COMD3551 WebDesign2, SP2015

Advanced web design is a continuation of ADV2450 Web I, a prerequisite of this course. Students will study, in further detail, HTML and CSS to ensure that they have a solid foundation. It is assumed that students have a solid grasp of Photoshop and Illustrator, and understand the proper web design workflow. The course is focused on completing a web site, designing and building it, as well as writing all the content for the site. A portfolio site is not appropriate for the final project, and will not be acceptable. Search Engine Optimization, Analytics, and web marketing strategies will be reviewed, and implemented. Attendance (College) and Lateness (Department) Policies:

My Projects

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