Anthony Juarez’s Profile

Active 3 years, 2 months ago
Anthony Juarez
Display Name
Anthony Juarez
Major Program of Study
Academic interests

I am interested in learning about chemistry. I love science, all of the subjects that has something to do with science.


I am very curious person and open minded to everything. I like to learn about anything pretty much. For example space, genetics, our history like our ancestors, and so on.

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My Courses

ENG1101-O190, FA2021

ENG1101-O190, FA2021

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. College-level readings are assigned for classroom discussion and essay writing. “Books Everywhere–Books Background” avatar shared with a public domain license.

My Projects

Anthony Juarez hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Chemistry Department

Chemistry Department

The Chemistry Department Open Lab site was designed to be a resource for students. It includes information regarding the Chemistry Club, News and Events in the Chemistry Department, Information on Tutoring, Scholarships, Research and Internships. Please send us a request for membership to join the website.