Alex C.’s Profile

Active 6 years, 8 months ago
Alex C.
Display Name
Alex C.
Major Program of Study
Professional and Technical Writing

My Courses

HEA 1100 – Human Sexuality

HEA 1100 – Human Sexuality

This class examines knowledge and attitudes towards human sexual behavior.

ENG1710 Language and Tech, FA2016

ENG1710 Language and Tech, FA2016

In this rewarding and challenging introductory class, we will endeavor to understand the deep and complex relationship between human language and human technology. You will apply your insights and discoveries to a major research project focused on a single form of technology- mediated communication. What you learn will have important significance to a successful career in technical communication. We will raise these issues during lecture and discussion.

HUS1101 SPRING2017

HUS1101 SPRING2017

Introduction to Human Services on Wednesdays from 2:30 – 5pm.

Community Organizing Shepard

Community Organizing Shepard

Course description: Community organization theory and practice in human services, community assessment, change strategies, empowerment skills, and planning techniques in the profit, non-profit, and public sector are emphasized. Case presentations, skill development assignments, and community projects are required.

My Projects

How To Throw A Holiday Party

How To Throw A Holiday Party

Basic norms and concepts on what a party should be like and how one should throw a holiday party.

My Clubs

Alex C. hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.