Adis’s Profile
My Courses
ARCH3662 Gov Reg & App, SP2014
This course familiarizes the student with the scope of the municipal agencies invilived in approving the costruction of a building in New York City. (More to come..)
The reclamation of the New York City waterfront has brought city planners, neighborhood groups, developers, and design professionals together to chart the future of this valuable public resource. In this studio students design a master plan for a Brooklyn waterfront site adjacent to Industry City in Sunset Park that takes into account these varied interests. Students divide into teams that work directly with constituent stakeholders to understand their needs and devise a program for that constituent for implementation in the new project. Subsequently, students separate into new teams in which they devise their master plan. Finally the students insert an individual mixed-use building into their master plan that accommodates the program they and their constituent have determined. Students will use OpenLab as a forum in which they will post their research, share their ideas, and solicit feedback from other students and faculty.
My Projects
Analyzing Neighborhood -Downtown Brooklyn
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