Anthony Butler’s Profile

Active 6 years, 4 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5)
MECH3550 Simulation and Visualization, Nakamura FA2016

MECH3550 Simulation and Visualization, Nakamura FA2016

Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.
Mechanical Engi...|3550|Fall 2016

Instructor: Professor Masato R. Nakamura Room: V507 Time T 6:00-9:20pm Code:

MECH4800: Advanced 3D Animation Spring 2017

Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.
Mechanical Engi...|MECH 4800|Spring 2017

2 cl hrs, 2 lab hrs, 3 cr Extends techniques learned in earlier industrial design courses (IND 2313 and IND 2410) and builds upon theories introduced in earlier animation courses (such as IND 2420). […]

Professor Leston Science Fiction ENG 2420 Spring 18

Professor Leston Science Fiction ENG 2420 Spring 18

Robert Lestón
ENG 2420|Spring 2018

Study of science fiction literature and film, with attention to cultural implications of the genre. Explores the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. Projects, […]

MECH3510 Advanced Solid Modeling II

Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.
Mechanical Engi...|MECH3510|Fall 2016


ENG 2400 Films from Literature, FALL 2015, section D550

ENG 2400 Films from Literature, FALL 2015, section D550

Prof. Masiello
English|ENG 2400|Fall 2015M D550 Fridays 11:30 – 2:00 This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through […]