Hello my name is Melanie Martinez. I was born & raised in Queens NY, majoring in Communication Design at NYCCT.
In all honesty choosing this as my major was very concerning for me. Why? Well I would like to succeed in any major I would choose and choosing a major that I donā€™t really know much of is risky. However, knowing how I was back in high school I know what it is I like. Drawing/doodling has always been my thing. Every time I was at school I would space out and continue with my doodling that was either in my mini sketchbook or on the side of a loose lief paper that had my notes/school work. It was a nonstop habit of mine to drift away in class & lunch to continue my doodling/drawing. I decided to choose this major so I can improve my artistic side and creativity.

Throughout my life Iā€™ve always been known as a quiet shy person. Now iā€™m not going to lie I am exactly that, but on the outside. Once people get to know me they say iā€™m very different. Crazy, wild, & loud is what my friends described me as. However, I am a huge introvert so hearing that makes me feel like i’m not. The saying ā€œNever Judge A Book By Itā€™s Coverā€ would represent me.

Having entered college with no digital design experience was something, especially considering my first semester in college was also my first time having a laptop. Everything felt new and overwhelming. With Communication Design Iā€™ve learned so much but there is still so much to learn and improve on, so Iā€™m very excited for this journey of mine!