In this Project I choose to communicate the chosen text, including the song’s lyrics, title, and performer’s name, in nine different expressions. The essential goals were to explore traditional typographical techniques as a means of communication, to use typography as an image to express meaning, and to experiment with combinations of traditional and expressive styles.

Throughout the project, I:

  1. Explored Traditional Typographical Techniques: I learned about and applied traditional methods of typography to convey the song’s text clearly and effectively.
  2. Used Typography as an Image: I transformed the song’s lyrics, title, and performer’s name into visual representations, using typography to express their deeper meanings and emotions.
  3. Experimented with Combinations of Styles: I combined traditional and expressive typographical styles to create unique and impactful designs, showcasing the song’s significance to me.

By the end of this project, I had gained a deeper understanding of how to use expressive typography to communicate personal and meaningful messages, specifically through the chosen song.