In this assignment, I utilized my knowledge of typography to animate the word “Levitate” using Adobe After Effects. The goal was to use an appropriate typeface and compose the letters in a manner that communicated the meaning of the word.

I followed these steps for the project:

  1. Selected the Word: I chose the word “Levitate” from the provided list.
  2. Chose an Appropriate Typeface: I selected a typeface that visually represented lightness and elevation, with thin, elegant lines and a sense of openness.
  3. Designed the Animation: I animated the word “Levitate” to reflect its meaning. This involved using smooth, gentle, upward motions to give the impression of floating or rising effortlessly. Letters could drift upwards or gently sway as if defying gravity.
  4. Added Color: I used soft, airy colors like light blue or white to enhance the feeling of levitation.

By the end of this project, I had created an animation that effectively communicated the meaning of “Levitate” through typography and motion. This exercise helped me enhance my skills in using type, color, and movement to express emotions and concepts visually.