Lab 1

Lab 1: Hand Calculation of Load Requirement of a Residential HVAC System



In this lab students will be able to calculate and design HVAC systems using available theoretical tools.


In this example problem of a Co-Operative building unit in New York City, Heating, cooling and Ventilation loads are required to the measure using traditional hand calculation method. The floor plan of the Co-Op is shown below-

Floor Plan of a Residential Co-OP unit with the locations of Indoor HVAC unit.


In order to calculate the heating load requirement of a zone, the design return air and supply air conditions are needed to be marked in the psychometric chart. Using this chart, it will possible to estimate the enthalpy of heating energy per unit amount of air. Then zone volume will be utilized to determine the required heating load of the zone.

For example, the design returns and supply air of the FCU unit are set to 65 Deg/ 60% and 95 F/22%.

Analysis of heat transfer using Psychometric Chart

Sample Cooling Load Calculation

Cooling Load for a small zone is calculated as a Cooling load sample calculation.  Use this as a reference.

Also use Cooling Load Calculations and Principles for detailed calculations using ASHRAE suggested equations and procedures.

Use Appendix Section for various thermodynamic properties of materials.


A Reporting guideline can be found in Lab1- Instruction-Hand Calculation for the cooling and heating load calculation

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