Content of Week 8

Properties of  HVAC Materials


Fire Resistance

Fire Resistance is defined as the amount of time an insulating material stays stable in presence of fire. Insulating material is classified with units as time in minutes 15, 30, 60,90, 120, 180, 240 or 360 which represents the time the performance criteria is fulfilled during a standardized fire test.

Thermal Resistivity

Thermal Resistance is the ability of an insulating material to resist heat from transmission. This term shows a reciprocal property of thermal conductance.  Thermal resistivity is the key property of insulator or heat sink, as they are reluctant to dissipate energy. The unit of thermal resistivity, R is ,[latex]\frac{1}{K}[/latex], and therefore it is m.K/W or hr.ft^2.F/

Understanding the Building HVAC Projects

This section will give an overview of  HVAC codes associated with residential and commercial buildings. The students will deal with following items to handle HVAC projects for example 12 storied commercial /residential building at New York City Metro Area-

  1. Creating a ducted packaged roof top system, ventilation and Fresh air systems followed by associated NYC Mechanical code and IMC 2014 Code.
  2. Creating a plumbing system followed by associated NYC Plumbing code, IPC 2015 code.
  3. Creating electrical system of lighting and power followed by associated NYC electrical code and NEC.
  4. Creating a fire suppression system followed by NYC fire code and NFPA 13.