Content of Week 7

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system


In this chapter I will explain all the terms in HVAC in detail. I will also explain how those can be accomplished theoretically. I will also mention about commercial HVAC systems.

Read the Lecture on Cooling Load Calculations and Principles to understand the principles behind cooling and heating load with examples.

Also learn about HVAC component in the attached Lectures HVAC- Component Introduction

Heating Load Calculation

Cooling Load Calculation

Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) is an equivalent  design temperature difference between indoor and outdoor condition at any instance.




Psychometric Chart

Psychometric chart is the backbone of the detailed thermodynamic analysis of a HVAC system. It entails relationship between a number of thermodynamic properties of a state, for example, Dry and Wet bulb temperature, Latent heat, Relative Humidity and Humidity Ratio.

Psychometric Chart in US Customary Unit (Copyright: ASHRAE)
Relational Psychometric diagram

Relative Humidity

Humidity Ratio

[latex] x=\frac{{m_{w}}}{m_{a}}[/latex]


x=Humidity Ratio

[latex]m_{w}[/latex]=Mass of water vapor (kg, lb)

[latex]m_{a}[/latex]=mass of dry air (kg, lb)

Latent Heat

Sensible Heat


A zone is a physical enclosure or space that is to be treated by an HVAC system for the purpose of heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning.


Ventilation is a process of providing fresh air to a containment or a zone.

Natural Ventilation

Mechanical Ventilation

Mechanical Ventilation is the method of supplying fresh air or removing  stale air from any given zone with the application of Mechanical devices including Fan, Blower and compressor.

Mechanical Ventilation codes can be found in the appendix .


Cooling and Heating Loads in a Building HVAC system

A Building Heating and cooling loads include a number of components including

  1. Human
  2. Equipment
  3. Lighting
  4. Partition Wall
  5. Window Glass

These components are shown in the schematic Figure below-

HVAC load schematic Demonstration