
The following course modules are offered at colleges outside of CUNY

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering – From Saylor Academy: “This course will introduce the student to the field of mechanical engineering and the interplay of physics, mathematics, and sciences necessary for the study, design, and manufacture of mechanical products and systems.” 


Engineering Mechanics II, Fluid Mechanics – from MIT (2006)

Numerical Computation for Mechanical Engineers – from MIT (2012)

Engineering Dynamics – Also developed at MIT, the course is “an introduction to the dynamics and vibrations of lumped-parameter models of mechanical systems.”



Engineering Statics – Carnegie Mellon (2012) – Sign-up required. Flash, Java, and MathML required. Note from site: “Statics is an essential prerequisite for many branches of engineering, such as mechanical, civil, aeronautical, and bio-engineering, which address the various consequences of forces.”