The experiment that will be conducted is focusing on aspect of the behavior called indirect aggression that animated Disney films produce among the children when observing them. By the definition the indirect aggression also called ārationalā and āsocial aggressionā is type of aggression where consequences of harming others is minimized for the person that is questioned by using the tool of denial. The examples of indirect aggression are: gossiping, ignoring, dirty looks, socially excluding others from a
conversation or group, and generally hurting or manipulating other people’s feelings.
The importance of this experiment will allow researchers to compare and to see
which group shows the aspect of indirect aggression that will be expressed later in their
lives. The studies shows that the people exposed to indirect aggression have a lower
self-esteem, they are more depressed, lonely and feeling of anxiety then non victims. ( c89b55410273%40sessionmgr115&hid=102)
The experiment will be based on several theories such as Bandura Social Learning Theory. Bandura in his theory says that child acquire or learn new behavior simply by seeing someone else perform them. Children learn and acquire new behaviors through imitation of the person that children consider to be model for them The model is a person who posses a characteristic that child find attractive, and most likely to influence child behavior.(Child Psychology, development in a changing society). The
connection of Bandura concept of the model we can see in the characters of the Disney movies that are extremely popular among young children. Children by watching the films time and time again fall in love in the characters and start imitate their actions. ( c89b55410273%40sessionmgr115&hid=102)
The Bandura observation learning consist of four-step pattern that
combined cognitive and operant view of learning. This four-step patterns includes:
attention(notice something in the environment), retention(remembers what was
noticed), reproduction(produce an action that is copy of what was
noticed),motivation( consequence changes the probability the behavior will be emitted
again) (power point presentation from prof. Pa Her).
The Bandura Social Learning Theory will be represented in the experiment by observing behavior of kids if they reproduce the actions of the types of indirect aggression that they saw in the Disney movies towards the object in the room or towards other kids in the room.. If we follow four steps of Bandura Social Learning Theory the kids will notice the elements of indirect aggression in the Disney movies, then they will remember after seeing it over and over again and at the end they will reproduce the
action of indirect aggression towards the object in the room or towards other kids.
Beside Bandura Social Learning theory the experiment will also be based on study conducted by Sarah M. Coyne &Emily Whitehead that shows that indirect aggression is fairly common in animated Disney films 9.23 per hour. The study shows two major things: (a) the amount of indirect aggression portrayed in childrenās program is similar to those aimed at other ages and (b) the amount of aggression portrayed on film
is similar to that of TV. ( c89b55410273%40sessionmgr115&hid=102)
The experiment will consist of two types of group conducted in the structured observation study and conducted by two researchers. The researchers will divide the children in the groups based on their behavior in the create environment. To avoid bias in the research the researchers will separately conduct their research and compare the results. ( Furthermore each group will consist of 36 boys and girls. The children will be equally divided in the group of 18 that were exposed to 50 hours of the viewing the Disney move consisting of the elements of the indirect aggression as mentioned before. The requirements for the move to be presented to the children will be to be release in the theater. The selection of the movies will be done by viewing different type of films and developing a coding sheet to determent what movies have most types of indirect aggression that will be presented to
the children. The most aggressive films were:Aladdin,Cinderela and Pinocchio.(
The age of the children that the study will be conducted will be between 2 and 3 years old when they acquired their verbal and social skills needed to successfully manipulate their peers. The reason for that target group is that the studies conducted before showed that indirect aggression does not appear until later in the childhood, it shoves when the children acquired their verbal and social skills.(
Also the boys and girls that will take participation in the study will come form high socioeconomic status(SES) of wealthy families, low income families or low socioeconomic status(SES) and working class families. The study conducted in the past shows that children that are coming from a high SES background are more indirectly aggressive then those from lover classes. (
As side before the children will be divided in two groups and being exposed to 50 hours of watching the Disney moves with few breaks between the hour. After watching the move the children will be asked to fill the questioner. The questioner consists of the questions such as: did you like the movie, is there something that you didn’t like in the movie, do you agree with the actions of the characters or disagree. The each group will be
places in the room with the Disney characters represented in the move for certain period of time and will be observed. The things that will be looked during the observation of the kids will be if they express any type of indirect aggression towards the character or between each other such as: gossiping about someone in the grope ,ignoring the character in the room or certain individuals in the group, dirty looks towards the character or certain individual, excluding certain individual from the group.
Furthermore during the conduction of the questioner the behavioral approach of the researchers and how they speak to children will be very important part of the experiment. The researcher will create peacefully type of environment. The importance of that we can see in one of the the Bandura’s principles where he says the key in term of aggression is for child to witness adult behaving peaceful. By seeing peacefully
behavior from the researcher child could mimic non aggressive behavior even being exposed for the long hours to the influences of the elements of the indirect aggression represented in the Disney move. (
The researchers will observe if any of the group show any of the elements of the indirect aggression towards the character or between each other, such as: gossiping about someone in the grope,ignoring the character in the room or certain individuals in the group, dirty looks towards the character or certain individual, excluding certain individual from the group. The data acquired in the experiment shows that type of
indirect aggression that children express to another child in the group was dirty looks,followed by plotting and gesturing. Also from the data acquired during the experiment we can see that frequent watching Disney movies and developing type of indirect aggression among kids is positively correlated. The kids start imitate what they saw in the move
The experiment shoved those children that came from higher social class expressed the elements of indirect aggression towards the lover class. The kids that observed the actions of the character in the move expressing indirect aggression in the movies start reproducing the same action towards the other kids in the room. The most two types of indirect aggression that was express by the kids was gossiping and plotting
The differences between males and females kids were not found ,both genders express the same level of indirect aggression between each other.
The hypothesis of the experiment would be: The frequent watching Disney move will produce the indirect aggression among the kids. The study match with the Banduras theory that the children learn behavior such as indirect aggression by observing that behavior and by observing them they reproduce that behavior. As we saw the Disney move has enormous influence among young children that contains different type of indirect aggression that children imitates through the character of their favorite Disney movie.
Coding sheet