Taking Vacation


here we define our function first without argument then set 42 to the variable answer


we define our function hotel cost in order to calculate the hotel cost per night


gain we define another function name plan_ride_cost to determine the cost of the ride for each of our city and using an if statement


we define the function rental_car to calculate the renting per day


now we want to know our entire dispenses (the cost of the trip), so we define a new function called trip_cost that take two arguments and return the sum of calling our to recent function plan_ride_cost and rental_car_cost and hotel_cost.


we add another argument “spending_money” inside the trip_cost function, so we add add the spending_money in the return so it will modify what the function does.


after having set all my our plan now we want to choose Los Angeles for 5 day with $600 in our pocket. thus, we use print statement as “print trip_cost(“Los Angeles”, 5, 600) and we are done!

we going to plane our vacation