Author Archives: michael diaz

Webpage Analysis 4

Web-Page-Analysis4 “Colozing Mars” Team A Pros: The site is set up nicely Cons: Incomplete so not enough information to really go on

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Webpage Analysis 3

Web-Page-Analysis3 “Mars Project” Derrick Reid, Jaymes McGriff, Stanley La, Jonathan Truong Pros: Very well put together and information is easy to find Cons: Could go into a little more detail on food  

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Webpage Analysis 2

Web-Page-Analysis2 “Life On Mars?” Kary Hudson , Kelvin Paredes, Win Ko Ko Aung Pros: Website put together well and very informative facts Cons: Could use a little bit of organization

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Webpage Analysis 1

Analysis 1: Web page name / authors: “Mars Colonization: Creating The Next Frontier” Darius Norman Brown, Dave Persaud, Nikolay K., Hibba Abbas Web-Page-Analysis1 Pros: Very well organized and information was easy to find Cons: Home page could use a bit … Continue reading

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802 Committee

CST1100 assignment 1 copy

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Rasberry Pi

Michael Diaz reserach paper

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How to effectively end your communication

Help the reader recall all your facts and main points so its easier for them remember and reaffirm the relationship you’ve established. Stop after you’ve made your last point, avoid anything excess so nothing is taken away from your argument … Continue reading

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Designing reader centered pages and documents

Good designs can help the reader understand your information by using visual design to show the direction and order your writing is about to be presented. It also helps the reader find the information a lot faster with good page … Continue reading

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Strategies of beginning your communication

After defining your communications objectives you want to motivate your readers to hold their attention and help them find what they need. Do this by using statements of topic and benefit, announce your topic and tell the reader how they will benefit from … Continue reading

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How to write a reader centered proposal

Throughout your career the opportunity to write proposals for ideas on new products or strategies is essential and this is how  you will get  your company to accept. Think of your goals and present them in a way that shows … Continue reading

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